Web Design elements that no one talks about [2023]

Saswat Singh
Macbook Pro Showing Text on pexels.com
Macbook Pro Showing Text on pexels.com

When it comes to web design, there are several well-known and frequently discussed elements that play a crucial role in creating a successful website. From responsive layouts and intuitive navigation to eye-catching visuals and compelling content, these aspects are often at the forefront of design discussions. However, there are many lesser-known web design elements that are equally important but rarely get the attention they deserve. In this article, we will shed light on these overlooked design elements and explore their significance in crafting exceptional web experiences.

1. Microcopy

Microcopy refers to the small snippets of text scattered throughout a website that provide instructions, guidance, or feedback to users. It includes button labels, form field hints, error messages, and call-to-action text. Despite its small size, microcopy has a significant impact on user experience. Well-crafted microcopy can clarify confusing aspects of a website, reduce friction, and encourage users to take specific actions. Writers and designers should work together to create microcopy that is concise, engaging, and aligned with the brand's voice.

2. Scroll Animations

While animations in web design are commonly discussed, scroll animations are often overlooked. Scroll animations involve elements that animate as the user scrolls down or up the page. These subtle animations can add a touch of interactivity and visual interest to the website, making it more engaging. Whether it's a fade-in effect, parallax scrolling, or element scaling, scroll animations can enhance the storytelling aspect of the website and keep users immersed in the content.

3. Loading Animations

Website loading animations are not just placeholders for users to wait; they are an opportunity to create a positive first impression. A well-designed loading animation can entertain users during the wait, make them feel that the website is responsive, and set the tone for the overall user experience. Implementing creative and on-brand loading animations can turn a potentially frustrating moment into an enjoyable one, reducing bounce rates and increasing user engagement.

4. Error 404 Page

Visitors landing on a 404 page usually means they have encountered a dead end, and this can be frustrating. However, a creatively designed and informative 404 page can turn this negative experience into a positive one. Including a witty message, relevant links, and a search bar on the 404 page can help users find what they were looking for and prevent them from leaving the site altogether.

5. Line Length and Readability

Line length, the number of characters in a line of text, can significantly impact the readability of content. Excessively long lines can strain the user's eyes, while very short lines can create a choppy reading experience. Striking the right balance is crucial to ensure users can comfortably read and comprehend the content. Optimal line length varies depending on font size and type, but generally, it falls between 50-75 characters per line.

6. Focus States

Focus states dictate how interactive elements (buttons, links, form fields) appear when users interact with them using a keyboard or other input devices. With the growing importance of accessibility, focus states have become more critical than ever. Users who rely on keyboard navigation or assistive technologies must be able to identify which element is currently in focus. Designing distinct and visually apparent focus states ensures that all users can navigate and interact with the website seamlessly.

7. Visual Hierarchy for Mobile

While visual hierarchy is widely discussed, its application for mobile devices is often overlooked. With the prevalence of mobile browsing, it's crucial to adapt visual hierarchy principles for smaller screens. Mobile users have limited attention spans and less screen real estate, so prioritizing content and ensuring clear calls-to-action become even more critical for a successful mobile user experience.

8. Human Faces and Emotion

Using human faces and emotions in web design can establish a strong emotional connection with users. People are naturally drawn to faces, and emotions can evoke empathy and relatability. Incorporating real human photographs or illustrations that convey emotions relevant to the website's message can humanize the digital experience and make the website feel more welcoming and trustworthy.

9. Branded Cursors

Custom cursors that align with the website's branding are a subtle yet creative way to enhance the overall user experience. A well-designed cursor can reinforce the website's identity and contribute to the overall aesthetic. However, it's essential to strike a balance between creativity and usability, as overly complex cursors may distract or confuse users.

10. Storytelling Through Design

Storytelling is a powerful tool in web design that can captivate users and leave a lasting impression. However, storytelling through design elements such as illustrations, icons, and animations is often underutilized. Designers can weave a narrative throughout the website, guiding users on a journey that aligns with the brand's message and values.


As web design continues to evolve, it's essential to recognize and appreciate the impact of often-overlooked design elements. From microcopy and scroll animations to loading screens and focus states, each of these elements plays a vital role in shaping the user experience. By giving due attention to these aspects and understanding their significance, designers can create websites that not only look visually appealing but also offer exceptional usability, engagement, and accessibility.

As the web design community embraces these often-neglected elements, we can look forward to a more inclusive and immersive digital landscape, where every detail contributes to the overall success of a website.